CHIRplus_BC is a highly advanced software solution for planning and coordination of analogue and digital broadcast services. CHIRplus_BC reflects all aspects of modern and efficient broadcast network design by incorporating a highly sophisticated geographic information system, an ergonomic graphical user interface, a powerful database application and exceptional broadcast engineering features. It is suitable for regulators to optimize spectrum usage and network operators to plan and optimize network roll-out.
Key features of CHIRplus_BC include:
Network Planning and Optimization
- MFN and SFN planning of countrywide networks
- Various interference calculation methods
- Detailed network analysis results
- SFN delay optimization
- Population analysis
- Import and analysis of measurement data
Frequency Planning and International Coordination
- Frequency scan analysis
- Identification of appropriate frequencies
- Consideration of international frequency plans
- Handling of assignment and allotments
- Automation of coordination processes
- Direct data access to ITU BR IFIC
- Support of electronic notification formats
CHIRplus_BC provides dedicated planning and coordination features for terrestrial broadcast systems including digital radio (T-DAB, IBOC, HD Radio, DRM, DRM+) and digital television (DVB-T/T2, ISDB-T, DTMB, CMMB and ATSC/ ATSC 3.0). CHIRplus_BC for example fully supports DVB-T2 planning. It takes into consideration the higher complexity of DVB-T2 which comes with more parameters than the conventional DVB-T. It offers enhanced configuration possibilities and pre-sets for the various T2-constellations and reception modes. As not all combinations of pilot pattern, constellation and guard interval, etc, are possible according to the DVB-T2 specification, the user is only able to select valid combinations in CHIRplus_BC. You can also plan DVB-T2 ‘Lite’ by selecting the ‘T2-lite profile’ with the appropriate modes and T2-lite additional code rates. Of course, CHIRplus_BC also includes the specific planning parameters and processes for ISDB-T and ATSC/ ATSC 3.0.
Furthermore, the introduction of LTE networks in adjacent broadcast channels very often has a negative effect on DVB-T networks and causes substantial interference at DVB-T receivers. CHIRplus_BC is able to simulate and analyse the effect of LTE on DVB-T and thus offer the user the capabilities to plan an ordered coexistence of both technologies.